Virtual Connections
We are currently volunteering virtually with Senior Citizens via Skype, Zoom, Facetime or phone
Would you or someone you know like to get a call from a university student? Due to COVID-19, our volunteers have not been able to visit retirement homes and hold brain exercise programs. We still want to keep in touch with seniors and work on brain exercises together so we have developed a 'virtual connections' program.
This is how it works: A university student will make contact with a senior using Skype, Zoom or regular phone. The student and senior will work on basic math, writing and reading aloud exercises together. Equally important, they will get a chance to chat, and build friendships. During these times we find ourselves quite isolated so we feel that it will be very beneficial to continue to make connections virtually and keep our mind sharp at the same time.
If you are an interested senior citizen, please email us at